Through out my life I either had people getting locked up, or passing away once a year. Last year one of my dad’s friends who were really close and friendly died. I still remember when we had gone to the hospital, and as soon as I walked in I felt this pain in my heart. But this year having two deaths in my family was even harder. My great grandma passed away in March, then my cousin passed away three months after that, I wasn’t ready for all that. Then, at the beginning of this year my cousin went to jail, and my uncle also going to jail right after my cousin’s death, and my other uncle went to jail this year. I still can’t believe that all this stuff happened within half a year. As I was thinking about all this stuff in the car and asking god “Why did this have to happen to me? I'm only 13.” Looking out the window and seeing families all happy, and at the kids walking down the street with smiles on their faces. Then looking at my reflection on the side window, it was the opposite. I still remember everything like it was yesterday and just thinking about it makes me feel like a part of me was gone.
Sometimes you have to realize stuff the hard way. That moment when I was thinking about all this stuff, I realized that life is hard. People will pass away, and you have to stay strong, and those people would rather have you living happy than be sad for the rest of your life because they passed away. And you’re just going to have to overcome that. You have to be grateful for everything you have. Be grateful that you have people that love you, because some people don’t have that. Now I realize what they really meant by saying live everyday like it was your last. You have to be grateful that you’re living another day, because some people aren’t able to. This whole time I was realizing all this stuff I was starting at the clouds, thinking about everybody that I lost through out my life.
This period in my life was hard, but it made me realized a lot of things. And while I was in the car I notice my mom looked at me and I could tell that she knew what I was thinking of, because she keep telling me that ill be okay, and everything is going to work out. All this stuff made me stronger, it showed me how to be more grateful, and it showed me how to be there for people like I would want them to be there for me. I’m thankful for everything I got, I’m thankful for my family that was there for me, and I’m also thankful for my friends that were there for me. It showed me that they were true friends.