Monday, November 9, 2009
Hero Project Reflection
To me a hero becomes a hero by the way they are with others, how they put their self before others and treat others like they would like to be treated also how they inspire more then one person. For example the reason why my mom is my hero because I really don’t know how I would be with out her, she has a huge impact on me. And she is also my hero because I never met someone that been threw so much and still stayed strong like she did, and because she tells people her mistake and helps hem try not to do the same.
The Hero in My Eyes project was a project for us to choose one person in our life that we taught was a hero. We couldn’t just say “Oh my mom is my hero,” and not have a reason behind it. We had to have a good reason why that person was our hero, and we also had to choose one moment with that person that made them a hero. The reason for that is because in our writings we were only talking about one moment but we had to make sure by the end of our story it told us why that person is your hero.
The whole week that the class had to work on this I wasn’t here because I was sick, and that did effect me because I wasn’t able to get other peoples perspective on my writing. That also put me behind because I was so caught up on doing my other stuff that it put me behind a little bit. Now knowing how that effected my grade I know next time I should try hard to meet the requirements. Because even though it was late I still got half credit but my grade could have went up if I just turned it in.
This project also made me realize more on how good of a mom she is. Like when I interviewed her I learned some new stuff that I didn’t know which made me thinking of her as an even stronger women. A big challenge with me for this project was choosing one moment. Like I couldn’t really just think of one moment that my mom did something, she does it everyday. And another challenge was that I wanted to say so much more about my mom but I knew I just had to talk about a few things my mom does. I think this was a good project, I wouldn’t really say I would want to change something about it. But just on my part to try harder even though I was absent I should have been able to turn in my stuff on time. The way this would help me later is because I used a little bit more sensory detail so that’s a sign that my writing is improving. And that going to help me for more writings that I am going to do in my future.
I would say I used wonder. The reason for that is because when I was writing and interviewing my mom and stuff I would wonder to my self why my mom would do this, why would she do that. What if she never did this how would I be. So it made me wonder a lot. And also when I was writing I would wonder what I should put in my writing since I had so much. So those are the ways that I used wonder in this project.
My Character Sketch
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Character Sketch
“I don’t know how to give up. It’s my kids that keep me standing cause I can’t stand by myself” she said dazing off into space, with her glass of wine in her right hand and the other placed gently on her lap. Trying to avoid making eye contact I asked,
“How do you manage to play the mom roll with three jobs? And is it hard being a single parent?”
She paused as her dark chocolate eyes started to water and replied, “It is hard being a single mom because raising a family isn’t meant to be done by your self. And I manage to play the mom roll by reminding myself that I have the jobs to support my kids. ”
I felt like the only thing that really matters to her was my brothers and sisters and me. There are reasons behind everything she does, the main reason being for her kids. Knowing that she’s always been there for us and always will be there for us, makes me understand more how I should be there for my family too.
Just by watching her face expressions made me realize how good of a mom she is. It made me want to try harder and not give up. It reminded me of the time where we were struggling the most but she still managed to get us through that stage. It really is amazing how she does the stuff she does. I never met someone as strong as her, and I am very thankful she’s my mom.
She sat their with her long brown hair waving down her shoulder, the light glared off her face making her freckles pop out more. Staring at her made me realize how life is hard and how you need to work for what you want in order to be successful. She’s always encouraging me not to make the same mistakes she made.
Thinking back on the time where I was having problems with my dad, my mom was the only person that I was able to talk to that would understand the situation since she had the same problems with him. She was always the person to ameliorate the situation, the person that I could always rely on to help me with my problems.
I would constantly ask myself this question that I often thought of.
“So mom, who’s your inspiration?”
“In everybody close to me there is a part of them that inspires me to do the right thing, to be a good person. But I can’t really say that there is one person that is my inspiration.” I notice it took her longer to answer this question, then the other ones I asked her, like if this was something she didn’t really think about.
Hearing that made me wonder more. It made me think about how she became the person she is. With everything she been through I would think that she would have already given up. But she proved me wrong. She showed me that you don’t need money to be happy, that all you need is a family or friends to love you and be there for you. That also taught me that I need be their for family and friends when they need somebody too.
I could honestly say that with out my mom I don’t know what I would have done. She is one of the main reasons why I’m not giving up on life. I am who I am because of her. She taught me wrong from right. Even though I grew up in a bad neighbor hood she still was able to keep me off the streets.
Monday, November 2, 2009
"Hi Chris." You could tell by the tone in her voice that she was nervous.
"Hey, are you okay?"
She didn't know what to say. Because in reality their was something wrong, but she just didn't know how to say it.
"No, I'm fine"
She wanted to get it over with and just wanted to tell him that she liked him and that she wanted to go out with him, but if she told him she thought that she would sound desperate. So she was hoping that he would just get the idea but he didn't. At this point she just wanted to leave cause all they were doing was standing their in silence and she didn't know what to do.
Acting like she received a text Jeanette said "I have to go my mom just text me, I'll see you tomorrow kay"
"Okay, but can I call you tonight I wanna ask you something important?" he asked her.
"Yeah, but can you call around 7:30 cause i have cheer practice today" she said with a smile.
"Okay, well yeah bye" he said giving her a hug.
She walked to the car waiving bye to Adriana with a big smile. As soon as she got in the car she started thinking about what he was going to ask her. What if he asked me out tonight, she was thinking with a big smile on her face. That was the only thing she could think of during practice.
After practice she was sitting their like a calm cheerleader looking at her cell phone waiting for a phone call from a boy she really liked. Right when he asked her if she wanted to go out. Her heart dropped. Said yes super fast. And now it was official Chris was her boyfriend. she was the happiest girl in school the next day