Electric-Car Resurrection
Carmakers launch their battery powered rides
In this article, it's talking about how 2010 should be the year that electric cars come back to life. GM, Nissan and Fisker are the ones coming out with the cars. They put so much time into making them, over 22,000 people are already in line to get them. The car for GM is plan to come out during winter, the Nissan late this year, and the Fisker would be coming out during this summer. Although the Fisker was origanaly was supposed to come out late laster year, its supposed to meet it 's deadline this year. This article falls under Technology.
The eletric-cars are supposed to help us, and our eviorment so that we don't use so much gas that paluts the air. So hopefully it will help us. These cars aren't just here to look nice, they look nice and are better for the enviorment thats why GM, Nissan, and Fisker put so much work into the cars and hopefully they don't fail.
In 2010 is schedule when the cars are supposed to be coming out. Will see if they work and if alot of people are going to by them. By the looks of it, it does look like alot of people are going to be car owners of these car and their going to be a success.
So stuff that were obstacles for the car to come out was the biggest bankruptcy in American history. Even though this happed, GM really tryed hard to get it done. I think that all the money that they put into it would pay off, after the cars come out.They say alot of electric-car launches have a big history in delays and cancellations, but they think that this year is the year that it would really come out and meet its deadlines. But soemthing that can also affect they buyers because they might have a 2nd thought on how it really is since electric-cars don't have a good backround on them.
Carmakers launch their battery powered rides
In this article, it's talking about how 2010 should be the year that electric cars come back to life. GM, Nissan and Fisker are the ones coming out with the cars. They put so much time into making them, over 22,000 people are already in line to get them. The car for GM is plan to come out during winter, the Nissan late this year, and the Fisker would be coming out during this summer. Although the Fisker was origanaly was supposed to come out late laster year, its supposed to meet it 's deadline this year. This article falls under Technology.
The eletric-cars are supposed to help us, and our eviorment so that we don't use so much gas that paluts the air. So hopefully it will help us. These cars aren't just here to look nice, they look nice and are better for the enviorment thats why GM, Nissan, and Fisker put so much work into the cars and hopefully they don't fail.
In 2010 is schedule when the cars are supposed to be coming out. Will see if they work and if alot of people are going to by them. By the looks of it, it does look like alot of people are going to be car owners of these car and their going to be a success.
So stuff that were obstacles for the car to come out was the biggest bankruptcy in American history. Even though this happed, GM really tryed hard to get it done. I think that all the money that they put into it would pay off, after the cars come out.They say alot of electric-car launches have a big history in delays and cancellations, but they think that this year is the year that it would really come out and meet its deadlines. But soemthing that can also affect they buyers because they might have a 2nd thought on how it really is since electric-cars don't have a good backround on them.
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