Always Their For Family
Through everything, they were always there for each other. When his dad walked out on them he was there for his mom and she was there for him. Ever since he was10 years old he was the man of the house. He wasn’t like most kids; he had matured way earlier then all his friends. He didn’t have a father figure his whole life; neither did his younger brothers or sisters so he felt like he was the father figure to them. His mom would always thank him for everything he’s done for his bother and sisters, for the impact he had on their life, how she wouldn’t know what she would have done if he didn’t help out as much as he did.
When they found out that his mom was sick, and her time was coming. She only told him so that the younger ones wouldn’t worry. That’s when he knew he had to really get his stuff together, no matter what it meant. If he had to give up biking with the Hells Angels and get a real job then that’s what he had to do. His mom would tell him that she’s not that scared about where the kids are going to be, because he was going to get full custody of his younger brother and two sisters but not the other brother because he was already 20 and was on his own. But she knew they were in good hands with him. Which put more responsibility on him, and made him feel like if he doesn’t do it or if he messes up then he’s done and he put his mom down and that’s the last thing he wants to do. All the things his mom done for him, he knows that it’s worth giving up biking even though he doesn’t want to.
“How’s mom feeling?” asked Jasmine as she was walking into her mom’s room.
“She’s okay, not too good though.” Replied Richard sitting next to his mom’s bed holding her hand as she sleeps.
“Richard I’m only nine years old, I can’t lose my mom so soon.”
“I know, but throughout mom’s whole life she was a strong, single parent with five kids, she did whatever she could to take care of us. Sometimes things in life happen and we have to face it. Maybe heaven would be a better place for her…”
As he continues going on about how his mom might die, his voice sounded different. It sounded like a little kid going up on stage for the first time in front of a lot of people, and when he starts to talk he begins to cry and runs of the stage. But while Richard was feeling so much pain inside of him, he tried to act like it didn’t hurt him that much so his little sister wouldn’t get so sad about it. While they were talking they would both look at their mom sleep then look back at each other. They were holding their tears back.
Seeing how much this was going to affect his sister he was really thinking how much this is going to affect their life.
As time is passing, things are getting worse; his mom has to go to the hospital. Any day now could be the day she leaves. So everybody is using his or her time wisely like if there was no tomorrow. Family is coming to visit, but Richard never leaves the room no matter what. He knows soon enough he’s going to be planning a funeral; he’s already going to start. He made sure he asked his mom what she wants him to do, she’s naming things, he’s writing it down making sure its right so it could be like she wanted.
May 29th 11:59 p.m is the last time he talked to his mom, hugged her, and said good-bye. He wished this never had to happen to him. All his brothers and sister plus him couldn’t stop crying when they saw her eyes close.
The next few weeks were really hard for them. They couldn’t go to school because all they wanted to do was cry. It wasn’t a surprised, how could they just get over their mom’s death like that. Throughout his all Richard is stressing, he doesn’t know what to do. He didn’t know it was going to be this hard, but he promised his mom something and he’s going to be their for his brothers and sisters no matter what.
It’s the day of the funeral; so far everything’s going good. Jasmine is practicing on the speech she’s going to say at the funeral. In Richard’s mind he felt like something was wrong or he missed something, but he doubled checked everything and everything seemed fine.
As Jasmine is doing the speech at the funeral, Richard is standing about five feet away from her, he notice a bike gang. He thinks back to when his bike gang got in a fight with them. Then he looks at the Hells Angels because they were there for support, and then gives a sign to one of them. He tells the other one secretly so all the family and friends wont panic. Within seconds their driving pass the funeral, Richard sees one of them pull out a gun and aim towards his sisters as she’s talking.
For him everything is going slow motion. Thinking to himself “What’s going on? What Am I going to do? Their not going to take my sister, I just lost my mom I can’t let this happen.” He jumps in front of her to save her from the bullet. Everybody runs to him seeing if he’s okay, all the girls are freaking out more then the boys yelling call the ambulance. Jasmine is hugging him tightly crying even more. She’s not worrying about the blood that’s getting all over her dress, she just wants her brother to be okay.
“Richard come one! Stay strong the ambulances are going to be here any moment now. Richard please stay strong, I can’t lose you too! Richard say something!” Jasmine said with much tears coming down here eyes as if a rain drops falling down on a bad stormy day.
By the time the ambulance got their, it was too late. Another death in the family, how can this be happening?
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